This link will take you to the EPA's official page for the site. It is a good place for someone looking for a thorough introduction of the Superfund site and to learn some high level information, stay in touch with current events, sign up for the mailing list, and dive into some of the pertinent documents.
The Record had a nice site called Toxic Legacy. The site is gone now, but their YouTube video is still available to view. This is a great way to learn about the site in a little over 20 minutes of viewing. Please consider watching all three parts if you are new to the details of this site. The videos are over 10 years old, so the recent history is not included.
In 2011, HBO produced a documentary about the site. This is mainly focused on the civil trial that was eventually settled.
This page, hosted by the Borough of Ringwood, has links to many documents. It is not well organized for anyone looking to get an introduction to the site, but is an excellent resource for concerned citizens that are looking for a deeper dive in to the Borough's role and communications.
This is a page that links to the technical documents from the EPA, NJDEP, Ford, Ringwood, and the associated consulting firms. These documents are long and technical and are best reviewed after becoming familiar with the site and its history.
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